The B-Town is filled with many celebs and their inspirational stories will continue to inspire us in our everyday lives. Yes, we have one such actor who has been an acclaimed cine star and has entertained us with his many versatile roles. It’s non-other than Ankit Mohan, who had made his television debut with MTV Roadies (season 4), from where he came to the limelight and had an accomplished career in acting. Ankit Mohan hails from Old Delhi, Chandni Chowk and it has been 15 years he has been in Mumbai, mesmerizing and enthralling everyone with his aura of acting.

In an exclusive interview with Rajeev Biswas, from Sportz Business Fitness Magazine, Ankit Mohan recalls his childhood memories from Delhi and how he has managed to build a stellar career in acting with his utmost struggle. Being a fitness freak, Ankit literally follows his daily workout schedule and shared with us some of his insights about his daily diet. Besides all, he is best remembered for his compelling role as Ashwatthama, in the 2013 star plus mythological television series Mahabharat.

ankitmohanLet’s read him what he has to say regards to his journey so far.

Q Hi Ankit, tell us more about your life and journey so far?

I guess that I am blessed that I am living this life, and the journey has been really and really beautiful and it has been a roller coaster ride, and I like the way it is because it is teaching me a lot and I get to learn lot of things.

Q Can you briefly introduce yourself to us, and tell us the need for fitness in your life and how did it happen to you?

Well, I originally belong to Old Delhi, Chandni Chowk and it has been 15 years for me here in Mumbai. About fitness, how it has come to my life, basically I was around 13 of 14 years of age, when my dad use to go to the ‘Akhara’ and every day I use to watch him, and one day he took me along with him and I was watching him doing desi workout, then I told my father that “I will also like to do the same desi workout”, he replied that I can join him while wearing a langot. Well after that, while wearing a langot, I joined him, and being petty young I started playing with his equipment, but one fine day, that playing turned out into a proper workout regime and I guess since then till now its been growing only, so I guess fitness came to my life because of my father.

ankitQ As an actor, how you manage acting and fitness together?

Well, managing acting and fitness, I guess, I am acting because I am keeping myself fit.

Q Share with us some of your experiences regards to your amazing acting career, and how being a contestant in MTV Roadies helped you to excel as a Television star?

Well, I guess to some extent MTV Roadies diverted my journey of becoming a businessperson at that particular age, because if MTV Roadies wouldn’t have been they’re in my life, then I couldn’t have moved in Mumbai. So yes, the credit goes to roadies and one fine day I had come to Mumbai for some event after roadies and I met Rannvijay Singh, my dad was not in a favour that I should go to Mumbai, so I made Rannvijay to speak to him, and he told him that just let him come for a month or something, let him try at least. Well, my dad gave the permission for a month only, but nobody knew either my dad or I that those one month will turn into these beautiful 15 years.

Q Shed some light towards your fitness and body transformation regime for playing the role of Ashwatthama in the mythological TV serial Mahabharat?

Getting into the role of Ashwatthama is my top favourite character that I have played so far. Well, there is a story behind it, the Swastik Productions who gave me this series Mahabharat earlier approached me for the role of Dushasana but I refused to play the role of Dushasana, as I could not see myself as a Dushasana or taking somebody’s order or being a subordinate because if you see the character of Dushasana there is no offence, but except that Draupadi’s incident that we have been knowing in the Mahabharat and also being a younger brother to Duryodhana. But later the makers asked me that there is a slot free for Ashwatthama and would I will be interested. Then I read about Ashwatthama and then I figure out that there is a lot in Ashwatthama to be known forever, that he is immortal, and Guru Dronacharya’s son, and he has ‘Brahmastara’ knowledge and he was alive till the end. So, there is lot to be taken for the rest of the life by this character, and fortunately I have received immense love for playing the role of Ashwatthama and still I am receiving it. Well, couple of days back in my building as I was coming up from parking, there is a cute little girl running towards me and stopped at a preferrable distance, and from there she was waving at me, and then her mother confirmed that she is watching ‘Mahabharat’ these days and told her that Ashwatthama stays in our building. That girl was too young, you can say 3 to 4 years old child and if that generation is giving you so much of love and recognition, so I guess you must be blessed enough totally for such role where people give you so much of love, so thank you Ashwatthama.

Q Kindly take us through your everyday workout training?

About my everyday workout training is something which I do not miss it at any cost. Like how I take my meal, how I take my breathe, that’s how I take my work out every day, I don’t miss it.

Q During your initial stage what sort of struggle you faced? And share your opinion about aspirant actors who want to make their career in television/Bollywood?

I have not even decided that I am going to become an actor, and one fine day this Roadies thing happened and my destiny took me away from Delhi and from my family. So later I realized that it is all the game of destiny, you just got to be a hard-working person from inside, a dedicated person, you need to know what is the meaning of giving respect to each and everyone around you. And I guess then whatever is your interest are and whatever is your hidden talent that comes out in a way where it becomes your identification for the rest of your life. So, I guess may be because I was too playful, I use to mimic a lot, I use to dance, I use to do lot of things, so these were the factors that made me a successful actor. So, all of those playful things that I was doing in past were somehow I need to do it in real life right now. Struggle is the most important part of your life I feel, everyone should go through the face of struggle because that struggle period teaches you the value of everything, and I really thankful to my supportive strength my family and my partner and those friends who were they’re at that time, and last but not the least I thank to the struggle of my, that helped me to reach here.

Q Tell us something about your family?

Family is everything for me, it cannot be described. There is no way you can put your emotional side and divert to the world that what and how family means to you, but I guess family is everything, wherever I am today, it is because of them and for them, I love my family.

Q Kindly tell us something about your diet as a part of your daily routine? Also, tell us your favourite cheat day diet?

About my diet there is nothing new, I love food and being belong from Old Delhi, Chandni Chowk, I have eaten every food of Delhi but I guess it is a misconception to lot of people that taste and overeating will pep you up or change your mood, but for me you must eat to live, ‘Jitna Zindagi Jeene Ki Zaroorat Hain Mere Khayal Se Utna He Khana Chahiye’. We should enjoy our food, but we should not get excess over it. Well, I do have cheat meals, there was a time when having cheat meals would have affected my bank balance. However, I love food and I love to cook, and I cook amazing chicken.

Q We’d like to hear something from you on supplements. Do you favour recommending supplements for building muscular strength?

There are lot of different sayings about supplements, but my personal experience about supplements, is that yes. to some extent you need supplements because there are lot of mixing outside of the stuffs that we take. There are supplements like fish oil, which are good for liver and also for your body organs, there are also many good protein shakes. Well, apart from all I can say, that do not take shortcuts, always consult with a specialist one who has studied on it and then give it to your body. Because ultimately its your body is the only thing you have to live in, it’s a temple, so don’t ruin it.

Q Shed some light on your upcoming projects in Bollywood or on TV, and any message for youth for today’s generation?

Regarding my upcoming projects, well I can say that I have been quite lucky to be a part of the two Marathi films, one is going to release this year, but might get postponed due to the ongoing pandemic, the name of the movie is Paawankhind. And there is another movie which is Babu which is about to go on floor but due to the current pandemic it is postponed. Yes, there are projects in pipeline and in talks, and I guess as we all know that in what situation that we all are facing right now. Lets just pray that we all survive from this crucial time of our life, and at last we all will rise again and will be happy again soon in the future. So, yes there are few projects and at present keeping myself occupied with lot of things related to the work, and I guess when the right time appears I shall reveal it, but yes right now its two films.

My message for today’s generations is that I am also one of you. I have experienced lot of hard times and struggle to reach at this point. But one thing which has kept me up all the time and right in the front is the dedication. Well, it is not proudly I am saying it openly, but yes, I am dedicated towards my workout all the time and always. It has been 15 years and every single day I do workout and I am consistent towards it. So, one thing is that you must be rigid in your life and be stubborn to do something and to see yourself somewhere. Just stay safe, stay strong and stay real. Just keep working hard and the most important is respect your family, respect your parents, respect every meal which you take because that’s a blessing.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


A journalist who has been grilling Health, Technology and Politics beat for years. He has compelling experience in Digital media and currently shelling out his expertise with leading Sports and Fitness Convergence portal Sportz as a Senior Sub Editor

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