Indian fitness industry has marked a tremendous surge on the Indian turf. Amid so much awareness spreading through platforms like multi-media, social media, Publication and active and healthy lifestyle cult, Indians are taking fitness into their account earnestly.Subsequently, people across varied age groups are heading to their nearby gyms. This phenomenon triggers a golden opportunities for young trainer and fitness coaches to invest in starting a fitness center suiting the requirement of their nearby clients. For starting a fitness center or gym, one needs to be very careful regarding a lot many things and taking ‘installation of gym’ as a tiring job, one needs to check these facts:

Map out your location or site

Before you purchase gym equipment, you need to measure how much space it will take to get fitted in your future gym. It is not advisable to clutter your workout station by installing a lot of gym equipment as this will clog the free space for the gym comers and makes it a tough job for the engineers to repair the equipment. There should be optimum space inside the gym to free walk and stretch muscle before starting main daily scheduled workouts.


 One should invest much time on researching and comparing the gym equipment before actual investment over the gym equipment. As there are plethora of options available in the internet one should do his homework before actually putting their trust onto a particular gym equipment brand.

Basic knowledge of equipment genres

The gym owners should understand different genre of gym and fitness equipment. They should understand the difference between a cardio fitness machine and strength fitness machine. Cardio equipment includes Treadmills, Rowing, Elliptical Trainers stairs Steppers while Strength equipment featuresdumbbells, shoulder press, Deck Fly and others.

Quest for brands

Go for a high-end brand whose gym equipment are internationally appreciated due to their sturdy design and precise functionalities.


Dimension matters a lot to the effectiveness of the gym equipment-as well as safety measure. With an accurate dimension, one can put exact effort to the target muscle developing it on long run.


As applied to other products in general, one also needs to read reviews of gym equipment given by their users sharing their experience and suggestions. With such crucial piece of information, one can choose an appropriate gym equipment for his gym .

Maintenance and warranty

 As you are going to invest huge chunk of your budget over these machine, it is highly recommended to check whether the brand from which you are installing your gym, do they follow such policies or not.It is essential to check the gym equipment warranty and Maintenance measure offered by the company. Always go for such companies which have a transparent policy for warranty and maintenance. In order to simplify the question of what are the basic requirement for installing a gym in India, Puneet Singh Nindra, the director of FitLine talks to Kumar Abhinav of Sportz Business and shares his insights over their company’s gym Installation service.

Q. How do you ensure an effective layout of a gym?

We ensure that the clients get their space filled up with an amalgamation of sufficient gym equipment suiting their needs and open floor space. We have in house design team to plan and show options for their floor spaces, so as to have a draft visual of the proposed gymnasium.

Q. Being a premium gym installation company, how do you ensure consistent quality of your installed gym equipment?

Our partner factories abroad are Top end production plants. We have 3 rd party production audits and also stringent quality control. We get the equipment built to Indian usage standards, which are tough and high grade. Having invested 35 Years and being avid exercisers, we understand the bio mechanics involved and instill the latest science in the movements of our equipment & angles in exercise involved.

Q. Does Fitline offer gym equipment training program?

Yes, we do have training program and conduct very frequent seminars. Our internal faculty is trained by master trainers who are experts in science and resistance training. We deliver seminars in various cities in co junction featuring the best names in the fitness education industry.

Q. Being a leading gym installation service providerhow does Fitlinemeets client’s specification?

With our years of experience, today we have qualitative gym equipment line, that is best suited for all purposes and user requirements. We also have a process, where in we tailor make the equipment in our OEM factories. In such a case, we customize designs, research them for perfection, get client approvals on it and produce the same. That’s our unique strength. We have the resources to customize equipment and we surely do this.

Q. Let’s say if one of your clients asking for a gym installation in a comparative smaller space, what do you suggest?

We have customized lines and we can start a gym ranging from 800 sqft area to 8000 sqft area. The line that is installed in a smaller space, is still manufactured in such a manner that it offers most of the workouts that are engaged in having separate machines at a larger gym. So we call this line as Duo line. These lines are space saver, comfortable for users ease of exercise and robust. In this over all smaller space, we focus on basic equipment that must offer a comprehensive workout for the gym user. Now that’s the thought involved in designing, and we are very good with it.

Q. From where does Fitline get its gym equipment manufactured?

We have OEM plants based in China. These factories customize machines as per our approved researched designs. To empanel as a Fitline vendor, there are too many stringent quality and safety norms in place, And I have to assure you quite many production units fail to comply. We only work with OEM who have a lot of quality checks, safety standards, production standards, operational protocols, support process and short timelines Etc.

Q. Do you also provide any kind of Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC) to your clientele?

It is mandatory for a gym owner to get AMC from the original supplier of the equipment. Using shortcuts by getting their equipment serviced from un-authorised technician only results to the depereciation of the equipment by 50%. In order to avoid such depreciation, we ensure the product is maintained well in its over all life journey with good preventive checks, replacement with right and original parts and hence, the life span of a product enhances to 150% with our AMC services, via trained and perfect team of service technicians.

Q. Shed some lights over your network across the country.

We are serving North to south and east to west India now. Our offices are branched out at several key locations with a pan India presence including Delhi, Srinagar, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Maharasthra, Jaipur, Mohali, Punjab and then we have a team of support staff stationed at major cities. Our presence is easy and approachable for clients. We serve at client site and access the same at any part in India.

Q. Can you share some experience from your recent gym installation.

We are doing a lot of quality works. We have too many quality installations ranging between 1500 sqft -3500 sqft in practically most of the places in India. Then there is a new lobby of gyms, that are also acting as Functional studios where the equipment and functional training makes the gyms more lively, the area ranges 4000-6000 sq ft. We are working with Brands and individual gym owners. Jointly Fitline empowered gyms are making their presence felt in the industry.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


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