Millions of people across the world are practicing social distancing to combat the widespread of the novel COVID-19. We are all locked inside our homes without access to our local gyms, shopping malls, theatres, and parks.  In order to abort any boredom, most of us have started binge-watching tons of television shows and eating all the snacks during these stressful times.

There are a million plans to stay fit and healthy without giving up screen time or your position on the couch. Accept it or not, you can make this situation work for your fitness and health. We have brought seven ways to get in shape while binge-watching your favorite Netflix series to have the best of both fitness and entertainment worlds.

Approximately, there are 15 minutes of commercials advertisement per hour, so if you find some motivational tactics, you can use TV time to become fitter than you’ve ever been. If you’re streaming shows without advertisements then you can use these tips at the end of each episode.

  • Jumping jacks between advertisements

Jumping jacksAdvertisements only last 15 to 30 seconds, but if you do continuous jumping jacks, you can apply that counts in cardio. Jumping jacks will help burn off some of those delicious snacks, and even small amounts of cardio to reduce the possibility of diabetes, heart disease, and other diseases. Also, jumping jacks is a great warm-up exercise that can be done before the show starts.

  • Add a few push-ups on your snack run.

push-upsYou don’t have to use heavy weights to get in shape, and bodyweight exercises will do the trick. Every time you stand up to take more snacks, you can try to do two to six push-ups.

You can do the exercise more comfortable by doing wall push-ups or even knee push-ups, then slowly work your style up.

  • Do plank contest during the post-show credits screening.

plankWe usually start singing songs during the post-show credits, but you can do a plank with your family. Everyone gets down on their hands and feet and make sure your spine is straight and see who can hold their plank for a longer period of time. Give older family members a knee-plank favor to make the game fairer. If you’re watching shows alone, try to increase your plank time each time the post-show credits screen.

  • Try doing 10 squats in between the ad breaks.

squatsSquats are excellent as you don’t have to take your eyes off of the screen. After the show starts up again and after you complete your commercial break exercise, you can start with your quick set of squats.

  • Start stretch during the last episode of the time.

stretchWhen you start feeling sleepy, and it’s time to turn off the TV, don’t forget to spend a few minutes stretching before going to bed. A post-workout cooldown is essential for reducing the possibility of relieving stress, injury, and general calming your body down. Sit down on the ground and touch your toes. Slowly move to a butterfly stretch, and don’t forget to stretch your arms out.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


Paayel is a correspondent at Sportz Business Magazine and pursuing Journalism from Lady Shri Ram college. She is an aspiring and passionate journalist, who is on her way to gain more knowledge and wisdom.

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