Thirty-three-year-old Ukrainian fitness influencer Dmitriy Stuzhuk passed away on Saturday after acquiring heart difficulties due to the pandemic COVID-19. He got the COVID-19 after his recent trip to Turkey. Earlier, he had alleged that it was a hoax and downplayed the threat posed by the coronavirus.

Dmitriy Stuzhuk had advised his followers, that number at over a million, on Instagram that he did not think the virus could be deadly to young people or was dangerous or even if it existed until he lately incurred the virus. He said that he thought that the severity of the virus was a hoax.

Consequently, he underwent a COVID-19 organ-system failure after the disease and passed away. The fitness influencer told his Instagram followers, “I need to share how I got infected and to alert everyone actively. I was one who believed that Covid does not survive until I got ill. COVID-19 IS NOT A SHORT-LIVED DISEASE! And it is heavy.” Dmitriy Stuzhuk has three children with his ex-wife, with whom he divorced six months before, and their child is only nine months old.

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Стих собственного сочинения, для @stuzhuk_dmitriy 🕯 Ты был прекрасным, мудрым, сильным. Героем книги про любовь. Финал истории правдивой, потряс финалом всех своих… Ты словно ангел появился, в сердцах чужих, оставив след. Бывал ты искренним, правдивым. Таким и будешь для своих. Судьба по своему решила, Забрав тебя, на небеса. Всегда ты будешь мудрым , сильным, прекрасным мужем и отцом…. #дмитрийстужук #покойсясмиром #светлаяпамять #стихсобственногосочинения

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Sofiz Stuzhuk, the ex-wife of Dmitriy Stuzhuk, affirmed the news on Instagram and said that he was in “grave condition” after being rushed to the hospital. She informed her followers that the fitness influencer acquired “problems with his cardiovascular system… his heart is not coping. His position is severe, and no one can do anything with this.”

She added, “I did everything I could, so the father of my three children lives, but nothing depends on me now.” Later, declaring his death, she said, “Dima is no longer with us.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


Paayel is a correspondent at Sportz Business Magazine and pursuing Journalism from Lady Shri Ram college. She is an aspiring and passionate journalist, who is on her way to gain more knowledge and wisdom.

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