NXT has entered a multi-year partnership with global sports leader Nike. Under the agreement, Nike will support NXT’s elite showcase events and its lacrosse club.

According to a press statement released by the company, Nike Sports marketing will fully craft the look for athletes participating showcase events and lacrosse clubs. STX will also under the partnership via which Nike will be providing apparel and other sports gears such as- heads, shafts, gloves etc.

All the NXT lacrosse club players at the high school level will have access to latest complimentary Nike footwear and player packs. Additionally, Nike will provide special embellished uniforms for the Lacrosse club through the same program that creates uniforms for top Nike NCAA programs such as Syracuse, Duke, North Carolina, and Ohio state.

Joel Zuercher, the CEO of NXT said, “We are honored to expand our partnership with Nike, the global sports leader. We believe this validates our ten years of work to make Showcase Lacrosse the nation’s top recruiting brand and reflects the talent level and effort of all the boys and girls who choose to train year around in our lacrosse club, we couldn’t be more excited.”

Mike Fisher, Category Director for Nike Lacrosse said, “Our NXT partnership is incredibly important. In the same manner that Nike supports and scripts the University of Oregon football program, Nike Lacrosse aims to support the lacrosse club. Additionally, our ability through this partnership to access aspiring athletes from across North America at NXT’s event is of the tremendous value to Nike Lacrosse.”


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Aspiring journalist working for sportzbusiness.com and exploring the juncture of sports, business and technology. Interested in sports economy and logistics of sports policy-making.

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