Since 2012, TeamUp fitness management software and Kisi smart security have each made it their mission to empower their customers, deliver the highest quality service for great affordable prices, and ensure the security of their customers’ businesses. Now in June 2022, they have teamed up together to offer fitness businesses a synchronized way to manage facility access control.

This new extra layer of protection with Kisi’s keyless entry system and automated end-to-end solution enables gym and studio owners to protect their space and provide their members with the safest experience at their facility. Joined with TeamUp to streamline and make the customer management side of facility security full-proof, this partnership begins a new chapter for the level of service and quality gyms and studios are able to deliver to their own members.

Since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, the fitness industry took one of the hardest hits with over 40,000 physical fitness facilities closing their doors off and on over the past two years and according to IHRSA, 22% closing for good. The invigorated desire and demand for in-person fitness means more hands on deck, safety and sanitation requirements, manual work for owners and instructors, and a redefined approach to the experience a facility offers beyond fitness.

“It’s more important than ever for facilities to take into consideration not what simply sets them apart from other gyms and studios in their area, but what will give their members the comfort and security to fully return to their facilities in this Post-Covid era, says TeamUp COO Tim Green. “Kisi’s smart security is an outstanding product that has already enabled protection to over 1,000 gyms and studios worldwide and we are very excited to offer this level of security and access control to our TeamUp community.”

TeamUp’s Kisi integration is now live for all members to begin using. To learn more about how to enable Kisi and TeamUp at your facility, check out the integration and get a quote here.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


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