Is getting footfall still a snag despite installing state of the art equipment and recruiting best in class trainers? Then there are few marketing ideas that you can incorporate to your gym facility to augment your slow gathering of clients.

By following simple marketing ideas, you can, in fact, market your gym facility in a very patterned way, for that all you need to follow is our series of articles that we have been bringing every month since our January edition. Just to stay ahead of this saturated market of gyms growing in every corner of our city, follow our series ‘Effective ways to market your gym facility’ and see how good things rollover. As each gym or club is quite distinct, so depending upon your requisites, you can choose appropriate ones and you can ignore which you don’t find feasible to attain.

So here are a few ideas through which you can market your gym membership and increase the revenue of your gyms:

Bring up an Email Newsletter:-

Email being an official corporate communication tool is the most dynamic way of spreading your words. An email has the potential to generate lead effortlessly which further helps you to build a strong relationship with the responders.

By sending a regular mail containing news stories, videos, and photos to your probable clients can be a great way to keep your brand name of the gym in their memory.

Just like your blogs, your emails should circulate around health, fitness tips, and workout sessions available at your gym. This way you can showcase the program and facilities that you offer at your gym through the mail.

Things to do before sending mails:

You need permission first: You are not supposed to send emails until your recipients won’t approve you too.

Make it Creative: Use a professional template as text-heavy ones become boring and flat to read. In fact, you can use different creative templates featuring your gyms images and videos.

Add a calling section: In this section, you need to give a reason for the receiver’s solid reason to call to your gym or come to your gym. By doing this, you need to put a sign-up form on the mails and let the probable clients fill up that to know more about your services.

Now, the question arises, how can you get people to sign up for your email list? There are a few ways, but one of the best options is to put a small, easy to complete sign up form on your website. You can also collect email addresses in person at your location—for example, if you have a check-in counter, why not has the staff member there ask “would you like to receive email updates from us?”Gym

Create a Youtube channel and offer tutorials

By making use of technology at the time of pandemic where most of the fitness enthusiasts are either doing a home workout or surfing online tutorials can be a great tool to penetrate your brand. You can create “Teaser” videos and share them on different social media platforms. The act will not only leave an impression over the virtual world of fitness enthusiasts but also filters interested to know more about the other offerings that you are availing to your clients.

Take part in local health fairs or create your own

There are many localities that host annual or bi-annual health fairs, try to be part of such events. Such events are a great venue for gyms to set up their Kiosk and tell their trainers to take people’s responses over their demands and grievances. Well, this how you can create your own potential client’s bases that you can always use for further sales pitching.

When your targeted audience will see your active participation at such events, they will definitely love to recognize you as a good gym brand as well as will play an active in spreading word of mouth.

Summer body/Winter sweater body promotion

By tapping the most crucial temptation of people, you can create special seasonal offers like ‘sweaty winter‘ and ‘tone your body this summer‘ from time to time. And As it is summer everywhere, there won’t be any other good time to hit your target audience who want to get a toned up body, start today or you will never able to tap this seasonal body transformation promotional stunt.

The particular marketing tool can not only classify your gym facility in a saturated gym market but also filters people who are planning to join a gym.Fitness

You can create a page on social media handles subsequently invite all those people who want to get in shape in that particular season.

To make this promotional season a body transformation campaign, you can also offer some kind of gifts of prize to those aspirants who have transformed themselves into the best shape in their life.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


A Journalist who has been working for B2B segment for almost half a decade. He has developed a knack of writing deliberate reports on indigenous market leaders across different sectors like health, fitness and sports goods manufacturing. He developed a discrete interest in covering business reports including business events, expos, and trade fairs.

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