Real champions are the ones who stand strong against all the odds of life. No matter how hard life gives them the plot to play, the braveheart champions exhale in their life overpowering life’s struggle without making many excuses but focusing on their sense of responsibility and sole duty.

When it comes to duty, mothers are considered to be a warrior of society. The mothers not only take care of their families but also take a stance for society and of course for the nation. Presenting one of such mothers we bring Mamatha Sanathkumar, a 29-year mother

Super Mom who Flexes Muscles
Mamatha With Her Daughter

who has been known for flexing her huge muscles while taking care of her baby daughter in her lap, a true sign of ‘Muscle Mom’!!

An IFBB Pro Card holding athlete, for Mamatha it was not an easy task to make her name in the male-dominated industry of Indian Bodybuilding and sharing the same platform with other male hunks on the stage. A series of odds and that even at an early age of ’20s, have carved out a mighty woman out of a village girl who had to leave their native home and switch to a metro city Bangalore. Being an elder one amongst other siblings, Mamatha comprehended her sense of responsibility whatever it took to take care of her parents.

Mamatha who wants to be an inspirational figure for her baby daughter is purportedly going to contest at international platforms like Arnold Classics and Olympia very soon. At present amid lockdown triggered phase of quarantine, she is also training online clients, which is yet another form of responsibility of giving back to the society by keeping them fit.

Mamatha Sanathkumar muscles
Mamatha Flexing Her Muscle

Knowing more about this Muscle Mom, Sportz Business brings in an exclusive talk with Mamatha Sanathkumar, An IFBB Pro Card holding athlete. To know more read ahead. Edited Excerpts!

Q Tell us about your journey of becoming an IFBB athlete?

The journey was not so easy it was tough being a mother of one kid and also taking care of family and raising a kid respectively. But something within me pushed me to achieve this stage. Coming from a village, and hailing from an Orthodox family it was not an easy thing to step on a stage wearing a bikini, which I believe was certainly breaking stigmas. Diving above all these troubles and challenges, I achieved the IFBB pro card by constantly challenging myself in every step of my life.

Q How tough it was for a housewife and a mother of a daughter to continue in this domain?

From being just a Mom to become a Muscle Mom was no less than a rollercoaster ride. All the ups and downs, twirl whirl, and U-Turns eventually pushed me to overcome these challenges. Being an inspiration for many, I want my daughter to get inspired by my achievements. Hence, I believe, in the future, she will also try to achieve something which interests her.

Q  As now you have a pro card, when can we expect you performing on the platforms of Olympia and Arnold Classics?

I’m working on it and it may take some time as before entering into the big stage, I need to earn pro points. I have been training hard to achieve this.

Q Tell us your inspiration? And how do you spend your training day?

My fans have given me the name ‘MUSCLEMOM’ which inspired me a lot. This has followed by a lot of many accolades and honorable awards that I have bagged so far. I have been invited as a guest for many schools, colleges, annual day functions, gym openings as a chief guest. These achievements have inspired me a lot. When it comes to my training, I do workout for two (2) hours which includes my weight training and in the evening I dedicate an hour over cardio.

Q As you are also a trainer, what kinds of clients do you cater to majorly?

My client base consists of people from different walks of life. It includes the IT sector, homemakers, Doctors, Bodybuilding contest preparations (professional athletes), and of course Mothers.

Q Seeing the current trend of online fitness training amid lock-down, how do you see its future in India?

Everything is getting digital, nowadays online, e-commerce business will dominate given current trends. Of course, online training will be more productive and catered across the globe.

Q So what is your next plan or fall back plan after bodybuilding?

The plan is like setting up my own brand which is MUSCLEMOM also alongside I’m preparing myself to work for Indian cinemas.

Q Any takes away from your bodybuilding experience for Indian women who want to follow their passion.

During the course of my bodybuilding career, I got dedication; hard work, an attitude of never giving up; will power, and patience as some of the keys take away from the industry.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


A Journalist who has been working for B2B segment for almost half a decade. He has developed a knack of writing deliberate reports on indigenous market leaders across different sectors like health, fitness and sports goods manufacturing. He developed a discrete interest in covering business reports including business events, expos, and trade fairs.

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