TARUN GILLIn India, there is an immense need for a crystal clear vision for gym goers to comprehend where they want to find themselves after a year or 6 months from now. As the most of the fitness enthusiasts who have joined or are about to join fitness club will go clueless devoid of any particular fitness program or goals, they are easily befool by the gym owners. In the absence of any road map to meet any fixed fitness goals, these people easily fall prey to several pseudo intellect gym owners who know it better how to mint money out of them. Subsequently, they then manhandle these laymen of the fitness industry by suggesting a lot many irrelevant supplements and sometime weird diets also. Some of these profitmaking unprofessional gyms of the contemporary Indian fitness industry are not just marring the image of this industry but also playing with the youth’s aspiration of bodybuilding.

In order to fill this acute void of contemporary industry, Puneet Nindra, A Fitness industry veteran with 2 decades of experience has come up with an exclusive channel of multi facilitated gym chain The Wellness Club Gyms. The Gym is endorsed by the two Bollywood actors Rahul Dev and Mughdha Godse.

The Wellness Club Gym Chain is a lifestyle chain of Gyms that holds versatile Concepts of gyms, Under Banner The Wellness Club Gym N Spa & The TG Way By The Wellness Club Gym Xpress, In Association with a seasoned Fitness author & Recipient of Rajiv Gandhi Global Excellence Award, Mr Tarun Gill.

Thewellness club undertakes several structured fitness regime which are designed to meet contemporary fitness goals attaining programmes including Fat Ko Kaat, Chisel Up, Get your 6 pack abs in 90days amongst other.

The health and fitness solutions that are designed in this gym are endorsed and mentored by Tarun Gill, whose Best-selling books at Amazon have earned laurels and industry respect. These are scientific programs that have helped 1000’s of people to reach results and seek benefits. These programs are designed to offer immense health benefits like, weight loss, muscle gain, fitness and cardio benefits & basic functionality improvements.

The fitness trainers and the faculty available at the centre ensures that the people coming there should get all required fitness training Under the skilled team of experts in training, the faculty and trainers have been successfully giving solutions to people’s problem areas. Under guided general training and in combination of world Class Fitline Premium lines, there is a good combination of training and training on the best equipment, that Mr Puneet Nindra has been able to deliver in the expertise he specializes with.

PUNEET SINGH NINDRAIndia’s First Program based Gym with Favoured Programs like Fat Ko Kaat (Copyright) in 90 days & Chisel up in 60 Days are some properties that this gym takes pride in offering to its clients.

Clients who have taken part in this fitness training programme at the wellness club, have gotten massive results and transformation of body and become brand ambassadors of fitness in their societies The Wellness club cherishes to be the nation’s very first gym facility to offer bunch of such programmes along with solution to its clients. In order to refine more, they have also introduced, books written by Tarun Gill which dictates several tips over several fitness training.

At present, Gill gets his books ranking bestselling on Amazon which includes how I got my Six Packs abs In 90 Days and how I fixed my chest fat.

Unlike other channels of gyms, The Wellness club believes an in-time transformation of clients’ body marking 90 and 180 days as the quickest and the easiest time-frame to attain. The act of Setting number of days for someone to attain fitness goal will not only strengthen the willpower of the person but also values the importance of daily workout. It is always commendable to ride on the short road which goes to somewhere near to your goal rather than a long road which leads nowhere. The club is equipped by state-of-the-art gym equipment, certified trainers, air-conditioned halls and ample amount of space to perform pre-set workout exercises.

Depending on their personal goals and objectives, one can go for several programmes on the floor including fatcutting programs, weight training, sports conditioning to endurance training and others.

Beckoning the old school gym again in the city, Puneet Nindra working along with Tarun Gill has planned to open The TG Way a complete warehouse for those who are quite serious about body bodybuilding. There is a long way for Wellness club to head ahead for that SportzBusiness bids best wishes for a prosperous future.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


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