In India, the fitness industry is taking a new leap which can be realized seeing so many fitness centers and gyms opening in abundance across several urban and suburban areas in the country. The phenomenon can be counted as a direct impact of an increased number of dual-income nuclear families and their changing lifestyle due to a surge in their affordability. Owing to an increased income and emergence of a lot of many fitness centers in and around the urban city, an influx of educated middle-class fitness enthusiasts rise up to join these centers in quest of their personal goals and objective.

This new trend of joining gym and wellness clubs by fitness enthusiasts has created burgeoning demand of well trained and educated trainers in the fitness market. Clients with their own fitness goals and objective are looking for personalized solutions which can be meet up by only personal training program and that also in the guidance of trained fitness professionals. These days the fitness centers are not only offering several personalized fitness programs but also mentoring you to live an active and prosperous life.

Amid so much hustle in the fitness industry, Indian fitness centers and gyms are now transforming into a modern warehouse featuring high-end gym equipment, trained professionals, social media presence and effective diet plans approved by chief nutritionists.

Being a part of this transformation in the Indian Fitness industry, many academies roped in the market to suffice the ever-rising need of trained and wellgroomed fitness professionals. Talking about one of the leading academies, Sportz Business Magazine covered a dynamic Delhi-based academy viz. GSB Academy in this edition.

An educational partner of International brand MIBO, GSB Academy is the single fitness academy which has a different approach for fitness training and nutrition. GSB literally stands for Gurpreet Singh Batra who runs the academy being its director. A great mentor who not only teaches soft skills of fitness but also conducts knowledgeable workshops over topics like anabolic and growth hormones. It should be noted that Gurpreet Singh Batra is the only one speaker in India, who frankly speaks about this Anabolic and Growth Hormones.

Sportz Business brings out an exclusive interview of Gurpreet Singh Batra, the Director of GSB Academy who shared his insights over several aspects of the Indian fitness industry and his qualitative workshops. After spending 15 years in the fitness industry, the Director of GSB Academy Gurpreet Singh Batra has garnered immense knowledge of this fitness industry. During the course of more than a decade longperiod, Gurpreet Singh has kept himself updated by going through a number of fitness courses, seminars, and workshops. After getting in-depth knowledge of fitness, anabolic, growth hormones, diet and nutrition, Batra wants to disseminate his gathered knowledge to the Indian fitness fraternity. With this skilled knowledge, he wants to classify Indian fitness trainers with conventional ‘desi’ trainers who hardly have any proper knowledge of client’s well-being as compared to educated and well-trained professionals.

In contrast to lack of educated fitness trainers, Batra has taken an initiative of educating these fitness trainers and bring more genuine results out of it by establishing GSB Academy. Being an ardent speaker and skilled teacher, Batra has been undertaking workshops specially designed for fitness coaches and gym owners and talk about the anabolic and growth hormones and recently scheduled to have workshops over peptides hormones.

Besides, abovementioned accolades and certifications, Batra is all set to complete his PhD this year which he is pursuing in anabolic chemistry, Nutrition and Virology from an internationally recognized body.

By working with the best gym channels and celebrities, Batra has developed a knack of educating fitness trainers and getting them placed at some of the premium gymnasiums of the country. Maintaining a consistent quality standard, GSB Academy cherishes to have Indian government bodies including Sports Skills Council, MSME, and DIPP on board which also provides a huge platform for the academy to flourish and grow on Indian Fitness industry’s turf. Gurpreet Singh Batra with his bucket full of knowledge in fitness and nutrition, is taking his Academy to new height, this can be realized with the fact that till the date more than six famous YouTube channels have covered him on their channels. Recently, he has spoken over Steroid and Growth Hormones at Body Power Expo held in Mumbai. Besides, Batra had also taken a session over nutrition at Delhi Chilli channel. While telling about their placed professionals, Batra Said to SB,” Our Company is the only company in India which is providing education along with job opportunities to its students in the fitness industry. We are associated with some of the premium fitness brands in India where we get our students placed. We also provide manpower to UAE, entire gulf, this month, one of my students is going to Kuwait. Our students go to Muscat, Kuwait and get jobs after getting ACE and ACSM Certified course, so in that way, we do things by generating requirements in India and across the world, by educating people on fitness and nutrition”.

Underlining two effective USPs of its Institute, Batra talks about social responsibility of the academy under which they provide scholarships to the differently abled people, and women living below the poverty line. Batra opines that by giving training to these differently abled people will not only make them empowered to earn money but also ignite inspiration for those who don’t carry any abnormality but still are reluctant to do exercise. He also clarified why he really wants to have women’s inclusion in the indigenous fitness industry, by notifying the fact that Indian fitness industry lacks women’s participation and it is only by training them especially those living below the poverty line, they can be empowered for real.

Sharing his 2nd and the most unique USP, Batra Said,” GSB is the only academy whose director is upgrading himself, that is me and every year I pursue something new. I am holding more than 49 certification in fitness courses including ACE PT, ACE Weight Management Specialist, ACE Nutritionist, NSCA-CSCS all from recognized international Bodies”.

Replying to SB’s query regarding how does he see the Indian fitness industry?

Batra said,”when I see Indian fitness industry sector, I see it from two discrete angles; one is from trainer point of view while the other is from the client’s angle. From the trainer’s angle fitness industry is booming now people are looking forward to be a personal trainer now, which is the very best thing. The fitness is really growing giving a lot of business opportunities coming along with this phenomenon at the same time I see that this industry in India is not saturated like in other western countries. Now, if we see the industry from the client’s angle, these days’ people want to be fit so there is demand in the market for fitness trainers which means there has to be supply of such resources in the market.” He added more to his inputs and said,”Right now educated trainers are not there, trainers are not ready to educate themselves however, clients have started asking for people who are educated. So right now, trainers are there but there are not so many certified trainers in the market and it is where we are trying to tap in the market and fill the gap. In order to train professional, we have fitness nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Nutrition Course which is affiliated by SPAA India which comes under the Ministry of HRD”. It should be noted that GSB Academy is also part of SPAA INDIA (Sports Academy Association of India) and SPEFL-SC (Sports, Physical Education, Fitness and Leisure Skills Council.

Telling more about its placement aggregate, the academy has trained around 1200 trained professionals so far and the number is still rising with every new session.

In the end, while concluding the interview, Batra told SB about his coming year’s business goals which includes doing more workshops on major growth hormones and Anabolic and taking his GSB academy online so that no matters where do you live, you can access the session online without any hassle.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


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