Opting for a gluten free diet is the best option as far as your health is concerned. Gluten is a protein found in the wheat plant and some other cereals. Gluten is naturally occurring, but it can be extracted, concentrated and added to food and other products to add protein, texture and flavour. It also works as a binding agent to hold processed foods together and give them shape.

Impact of Gluten on Human Health

Humans have digestive enzymes that help us break down food. Protease is the enzyme that helps our body process proteins, but it can’t completely break down gluten. Undigested gluten makes its way to the small intestine. Most people can handle undigested gluten with no problems. But in some people, gluten can trigger a severe autoimmune response or other unpleasant symptoms. However, an autoimmune response to gluten is called celiac disease. Celiac can damage the small intestine. Some people who don’t have celiac disease still seem to feel sick after eating foods that contain gluten. They may experience bloating, diarrhoea, headaches or skin rashes. This could be a reaction to poorly digested carbohydrates, not just gluten. These carbs, called FODMAPS, ferment in your gut. People with sensitive guts may experience discomfort from that fermentation, not necessarily from gluten.

Top 10 Gluten free Cereal Diet

Whether you’ve been following a gluten free diet for a while or are just started, you probably already know how difficult it can be to find replacements for your favourite gluten-containing foods. Opting for cereals is one of the most popular choices for a convenient breakfast or late-night snack, but many of the top-selling options contain gluten. With the help of this article let’s figure out some of the cereals that come under the helm of the gluten-free diet.

1.) Coconut Flour

gluten free dietCoconut Flour is the best flour that you can incorporate into your daily gluten-free diet. Coconut flour helps to improve digestion due to its high fibre content. It is significantly higher in fibre than wheat flour and contains both soluble and insoluble fibre. Foods high in fibre promote good digestion and the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut.

2.) Chickpea Flour

gluten free dietChickpea Flour or besan has been in Indian dishes for centuries. Being treated as one of the gluten-free diets, Chickpea Flour, Chickpeas contain beneficial antioxidants called polyphenols. The antioxidants are compounds that fight against unstable molecules called free radicals in our body, which are thought to contribute to the development of various diseases. Plant polyphenols specifically have been shown to decrease free radicals in food and reverse some of the damage they can cause in your body. However, chickpea flour is being studied for its ability to reduce the acrylamide content of processed foods.

3.) Almond Flour

gluten free dietAlmond Flour is also considered a gluten free diet and it is rich in vitamin E and other antioxidants, which help to reduce the risk of serious health conditions like cancer, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. Besides all, it is also an excellent source of magnesium.

4.) Brown Rice

gluten free dietRice is treated healthy to consider as a gluten free diet and is also the most popular gluten-free grain. One can choose from a large variety of rice which consists of brown rice, red rice and black rice. With the help of rice, rice flour can be made that is widely useful to make rotis, cakes and cookies.

5.) Kuttu

gluten free dietKuttu as a healthy cereal is one of the promising gluten free diet that most people consume during Navratri and any religious occasion. Kuttu ka Atta or Buckwheat Flour boosts metabolism and helps you lose weight faster. Including kuttu atta in your diet helps your body absorb other nutrients as well. Packed with fibre, kuttu ka atta improves digestion and has been known to give relief to those suffering from bloating and indigestion.

6.) Oats

healthy foods for heartOats is certainly a healthy choice and also one of the gluten free diet that most people consume. Oat’s claim to fame is its proven ability to lower bad (LDL) cholesterol. Chalk that up to a type of soluble fibre called beta-glucan. Eating oats is linked to an average 7% drop in LDL cholesterol. Many other things also affect your heart’s health, like what else you eat, how active you are, and whether you smoke, but oatmeal is a simple heart-smart start.

7.) Amaranth

gluten free dietAmarnath is also one of the preferrable gluten-free diets. Amaranth is a group of more than 60 different species of grains that have been cultivated for about 8,000 years. These grains were once considered a staple food in the Inca, Maya and Aztec civilizations. Amaranth is classified as a pseudocereal, meaning that it’s not technically a cereal grain like wheat or oats, but it shares a comparable set of nutrients and is used in similar ways. Its earthy, nutty flavour works well in a variety of dishes. Amaranth is packed with manganese, which is especially important for brain function and is believed to protect against certain neurological conditions.

8.) Millet

gluten free dietMillet is rich in dietary fibre both soluble and insoluble, and it is one of the preferable gluten-free diets. The insoluble fibre in millet is known as a prebiotic, which means it supports good bacteria in your digestive system. This type of fibre is also important for adding bulk to stools, which helps keep you regular and reduces your risk of colon cancer.

9.) Sorghum

gluten free dietSorghum is one of the gluten-free diets, which is rich in natural nutrients and easy to add to your diet, but its merits don’t stop there. It’s also widely used as animal feed, and as a natural and cost-effective fuel source. You can cook this grain like quinoa or rice, mill it into flour, or pop it like popcorn. It’s also converted into a syrup that’s used to sweeten many processed foods. Sorghum is known to be rich in phenolic compounds, many of which act as antioxidants. It has also been shown to be good at reducing some forms of inflammation due to its antioxidant properties. Several of the phenolic compounds in sorghum have been linked to anti-cancer effects.

10.) Corn

gluten free dietBeing considered one of the gluten-free diets, Corn has many benefits as far as your health is concerned. Corn is rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps protect your cells from damage and wards off diseases like cancer and heart disease. Yellow corn is a good source of carotenoid lutein and zeaxanthin, which are good for eye health and help prevent the lens damage that leads to cataracts.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


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