Recognized for leaving people stunned with his full workout sessions, especially during this coronavirus quarantine, Shershaah actor Sidharth Malhotra repeatedly made fans’ jaws fell in wonder with his balancing act in his latest fitness video. Sharing a glimpse video of his workout session, the handsome star not only provided us all the motivation we require to prioritize fitness and health this weekend but also devised his Marjaavaan director, Milap Zaveri, amazed.

Taking to his Instagram handle, Sid gave fitness enthusiasts a glimpse of his gym workout as he raised his body and balanced the weight on his arms. Wearing a navy blue vest and black shorts, Sid bent down with a heavy exercise weight in each hand.

Sid concentrated with his hair pulled back in a hairband as he sat facing a vast mirror, surrounded by rods, ropes, and dumbbells of different weights. Boasting his unbelievable strength, Sid gently raised his legs before him and lifted them collectively with his body in mid-air and balanced it all effortlessly while holding onto the weights.

The fitness video clip was captioned as The distance between your dreams and reality are called action!

#WorkForIt #SidFit.

Pointing to his role in Marjaavaan, Milap commented, “Raghu you seem enthusiastic to smash more helmets!”

The Bollywood hunk acknowledges how to keep fans pinned with behind the scenes from movie sets, travel or childhood throwbacks, and other lockdown shenanigans. During the lockdown, his social media handle has signified a go-to for stress-busting attention his adorable pictures and videos with his dog, Oscar.

The actor is preparing for Shershaah, a biopic film on Kargil War hero Vikram Batra on the professional front. The film is directed by Vishnuvardhan by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions and stars actor Kiara Advani.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


Paayel is a correspondent at Sportz Business Magazine and pursuing Journalism from Lady Shri Ram college. She is an aspiring and passionate journalist, who is on her way to gain more knowledge and wisdom.

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