Nutritional Growth Solutions, Ltd. (“NGS”), (ASX: NGS), global provider of clinically studied pediatric nutritional solutions, announces the launch of its Healthy Heights® products in South Korea through cross-border ecommerce following a supply agreement with South Korea’s largest online retailer, Coupang Co., Ltd.

The non-exclusive agreement will see NGS’ versatile portfolio of Healthy Heights products stocked through the popular online retailer, including the recently launched KidzProtein and KidzProtein Vegan lines all designed to address the complex spectrum of children’s nutritional needs. Coupang currently engages 18 million active customers and collected an annual revenue exceeding USD 18 billion in 2021.

“South Korea has long been identified as a target market for Healthy Heights due to the country’s increasing demand for nutritional products for children, its large population, and growing trend in online food sales,” says Liron Fendell, CEO and Managing Director of NGS. “This launch marks a major milestone in our expansion into the APAC region, and I am excited that Coupang signed on as our first trusted supplier in South Korea.”

The NGS product line includes its flagship Healthy Heights Grow Daily 3+. With a base of whey protein and select minerals, this scientifically formulated and clinically tested nutritional shake is designed to help kids reach their maximum height. Grow Daily has been specifically tailored to support the unique growth and developmental needs of very young children ages 3 to 9.

“Our Healthy Heights range was scientifically formulated by pediatricians at the renowned Schneider Children’s medical center in Israel as a means to support children’s diets and grant them the best possible opportunity to grow to their maximal height,” says Fendell. “This is something I believe will resonate with parents in South Korea due to the flourishing demand for nutritional children’s products in this region.”

This demand comes at the backdrop of survey findings published over the last five years on the dietary practices and nutritional status of Korean infants, children, and adolescents. The review paper noted a disturbing trend among kids for skipping breakfast, eating fast food, and consuming sugary drinks, with concurrent tendencies for obesity and vitamin D deficiencies.

More recently, NGS introduced the KidzProtein line in order to broaden the scope of its holistic nutritional solutions to nurture growing children. These quick-fix, nutrient-dense products contain protein isolates, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals in a powdered fruit and veggie blend. They were formulated as a means to fill the nutrition gaps in children caused by an unbalanced and often incomplete diet, largely the result of picky eating.

KidzProtein products are offered in a whey-based formula and in a vegan format designed to meet the nutritional needs of children with dairy allergies and lactose intolerances, or for families vying for a more plant-based lifestyle. The vegan product is powered by pea and fava bean proteins.

The NGS Healthy Heights portfolio was rolled out on Coupang’s online channel in July. “I look forward to growing the Healthy Heights brand in South Korea and globally,” concludes Fendell. “We strive to become a leading household name for child nutrition, one that’s trusted by parents around the world.”

About Nutritional Growth Solutions

Nutritional Growth Solutions, Ltd. is a global nutritional health company focused on the well-being of children. NGS develops, produces, and sells clinically tested nutritional supplement formulae for children based on 20 years of medical research into pediatric nutrition at Schneider Children’s Medical Centre, Israel’s largest pediatric hospital. The nutritional supplements market has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, but most attention has been focused on adult users and children under three years of age. Three to twelve-year-old consumers represent a larger—and more nutritionally at risk—market. NGS is highly differentiated from its competitors, offering clinically tested products and an expanding portfolio to serve this important demographic.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


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