Exercising with different types of equipment is very exciting. But have you heard about exercising with Therabands? A completely new term you have heard?

No worries we are here to introduce you to Therabands!

A Theraband also known as resistance bands are simply latex tubes or bands that are used for low impact strength training exercises and physical therapy.

Therabands are used by athletes and people who want to do light strength training exercises. You need to know about the correct form, stretching, and warm-up before using the Therabands. Once you will understand how to use it in a proper manner then it will help you to get in proper shape.

Now let’s move on to the Why To Use Therabands?

  • These are light and you can easily take them along with you anywhere. You can take it to your office, gym, vacation and everywhere.
  • Therabands are progressive and come under a variety of strengths starting from yellow the lightest resistance to black the heaviest resistance.
  • They are cheap. You can also use Therabands for toning and strengthening your muscles.
  • They have a large variety and you can use it strengthening and toning mostly muscles by just changing the speed of the way using the band.
  • Therabands have great effects. They provide muscle-building tension and helps in improving and developing muscles.
  • Therabands are safe more than the heavyweights and dumbbells you pick up in the gym.

Therabands are useful for the people who want to continue there workout while traveling and for the people who want to carry their workout at there home. The benefits of Therabands don’t end here.

Here are 10 Benefits of Therabands

  • By using Therabands you can enjoy a pocket saving workout.
  • You can change and adjust your amount of resistance during exercise.
  • You can modify Therabands in order to do familiar strength training moves.
  • Therabands don’t eat much space like your other types of equipment do. Just a box or a drawer is sufficient for its storage.
  • There are many kinds of exercises that can be performed in less space.
  • With Therabands, you can add variety to your exercise routine by combining it with any equipment.
  • Imagine if you drop heavyweights on your legs? Horrifying right? Therabands are safe and won’t harm you in any way.
  • Try different variations of workouts with Therabands, like strength training, muscle building, and more.
  • You can enjoy the great health benefits of an effective workout if you use Therabands properly.

Now let’s not waste a single minute and move on to the Top 6 Exercises You Can Perform With Therabands.

  1. Overhead Extensions

Overhead Extensions

This exercise will strengthen and provide proper positioning to the muscles of the arms and shoulders. Also, this exercise will help your lower body to get stronger and provide toning to your legs and hips.

  1. Chest Exposure

Chest Exposure

This exercise will help you to strengthen your chest and biceps. It will help in upper body conditioning.

  1. Static Pulldown

Static Pulldown

A complete lower body exercise. This exercise will help in strengthening your core, glutes, and legs. Also this exercise will improve your shoulders and hand muscles.

  1. Side Step Shuffle

Side Step Shuffle

Another lower body conditioning exercise. This will tone your legs muscles and core. This exercise will help in improving your lower body posture.

  1. Knee Balance

Knee Balance

This exercise will strengthen your knee and core. It is beneficial for your legs. In addition,  this exercise will help in improving your blood circulation in your lower body.

  1. Bridge & Kick

Bridge & Kick

This is a full-body conditioning exercise that will strengthen your whole body and you should not miss this exercise in any way.

So now you don’t have any excuse for staying at home or traveling and avoiding your fitness and health.

Use Therabands and stay fit!


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


Paayel is a correspondent at Sportz Business Magazine and pursuing Journalism from Lady Shri Ram college. She is an aspiring and passionate journalist, who is on her way to gain more knowledge and wisdom.

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