HIIT workouts

No equipment needed. Train yourself hard with these HIIT workouts.

HIIT workouts target the whole body and give you the best of both worlds—you’re building muscle and torching calories,” says Scharff. “Plus, the intervals in both circuits have built-in recovery.” This workout doesn’t require any equipment—just a spot on the floor where you can get to work.

Quick note about this HIIT workout (and all HIIT workouts, actually): In order for it to really genuinely qualify as high-intensity interval training, the work you put in has to be really intense. Like on a scale of 1 to 10 of perceived exertion, you’re at a 9 every time, which means the remaining parts of this workout are super important—adequate rest is the key to being able to push yourself hard as hell during the work. If you’re a beginner, change the ratio of work to rest so that you’re working for shorter and resting for longer.

Part one: Do each of these moves for 45 seconds, resting for 15 seconds after each exercise. Repeat this circuit twice.

1. Butt Kicks — 45 seconds

  • Stand with feet hip-distance apart.
  • Kick your left heel to your left glute.
  • Set your foot back down and repeat with your right foot. Continue alternating quickly for 45 seconds.

2. Jump Squats — 45 seconds

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-distance apart.
  • Bend your knees and sit your butt back, keeping your chest upright.
  • Jump up into the air as high as you can. Land softly and immediately lower into the next rep.
  • Do as many reps as possible in 45 seconds.

3. Burpees — 45 seconds

  • Start standing with your feet hip-distance apart and bring your palms to the floor.
  • Jump your feet back so that you are in high plank, keeping your core tight and your hips lifted.
  • Bend your elbows and do 1 push-up.
  • Now jump your feet to the outside of your hands. As you stand up, explode up and jump as high as you can, bringing your arms overhead.
  • Do as many reps as possible in 45 seconds.

4. Mountain Climbers — 45 seconds

 Start in high plank and draw your right knee under your torso, keeping the toes off the ground.

Return your right foot to starting position.

Switch legs and bring your left knee under your chest. Keep switching legs as if you’re running in place.

Do as many as possible in 45 seconds.

5. Alternating Side Lunges — 45 seconds

 It starts with a standing position,  keeping your feet shoulder-width apart. Jump your left leg forward and your right leg back and land in a lunge position.

Jump up and switch your legs in midair so that you land in a lunge with your right leg in front.

Continue jumping back and forth, pausing as little as possible.

Do as many as possible in 45 seconds.

Repeat the circuit with a total of 2x.

Part two: Do each of these moves for 40 seconds, then drop into a forearm plank for 20 seconds after each exercise. Rest for one minute after each set.

 In this part, we will illustrate different variations of the plank.

1. Mountain Climbers — 40 seconds

Start in high plank and draw your right knee under your torso, keeping the toes off the ground.

Return your right foot to starting position.

Switch legs and bring your left knee under your chest. Keep switching legs as if you’re running in place.

Do as many as possible in 40 seconds.

2. Forearm Plank — 20-second hold

Start with your forearms and knees on the ground, shoulder-width apart. Elbows should be stacked underneath the shoulders, your forearms straight in front of you on the ground.

Lift your knees off the ground and push your feet back to bring your body to full extension, so your body creates one long line.

Keep your core tight and your hips lifted, and keep your neck in line with your spine.

Hold for 20 seconds.

Rest — 1 minute.

3. Plank Jacks — 40 second

Start in high plank.

Keeping your core engaged, jump your feet out and in (like jumping jacks).

If your wrists bother you, try this move on your forearms, like this.

Do as many as possible in 40 seconds.

4. Forearm Plank — 20-second hold

Rest — 1 minute

5. Lateral Plank Walks — 40 seconds

Start in high plank with shoulders above your wrists and abs tight.

Step right foot and right hand to the right side immediately following with left foot and left hand. Take a few “steps” in one direction, then walk in the opposite direction.

Do as many as possible in 40 seconds.

6. Forearm Plank — 20-second hold

Rest — 1 minute

Repeat the circuit with a total of 2x.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


A Journalist who has been working for B2B segment for almost half a decade. He has developed a knack of writing deliberate reports on indigenous market leaders across different sectors like health, fitness and sports goods manufacturing. He developed a discrete interest in covering business reports including business events, expos, and trade fairs.

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