Now waiting at the bus stop can’t be boring as Hidco, as a  Kolkata based public sector undertaking which plans and executes parks, museum and other allied construction activities like subways and over-bridge has come up with an idea of installing leg press and other  gym gears or bars for free at several bus stops in Kolkata.

Leg Gear
Photo Credits: Telegraph

Setting an example, a bus stop near Eastern High in New Town is equipped with a leg press for daily commuters as well as for office goers. A signage mounted in front of the leg press carries instruction of how to use the same. The move is one of its kind as it not only as the waiting for the bus in New Town now won’t be boring as one can shed some weight by indulging in physical  exercise there until pertinent bus does not come.

The first of the gear, a leg press, got installed on Monday at New Town bus stand, opposite Eastern High.

 Speaking to the telegraph,  Debashis Sen, chairman and managing director, Hidco said ,” “The idea is to let the urban commuter, who is always in a rush, do some exercise while waiting for a bus. This way they can bide time and shed weight at the same time,” He added later “The installation will be done over the next three months. Elsewhere we will install parallel bar or twister or some other gear,” as Hidco plans to place such equipment at 24 bus stops.

He did receive suggestions to install the gear in parks instead of at bus stands. “But parks already have slips and other play equipment. And those who have time to go to parks can visit gyms too,” said Sen, who was moved by the idea during his visit the smart city of Incheon in South Korea a couple of years back. In south Korea, Callisthenics parks and outdoor fitness stations are quite popular.

Inspired by his visit to the smart city of Incheon in South Korea a couple of years back, Mr. Sen determined to inculcate the same idea here in Kolkata. Callisthenics parks and outdoor fitness stations are popular in South Korea.

“I don’t mind a bit of exercise as long as it is not too tiring and I can also keep an eye on the road for the next bus while doing it,” said a passenger.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


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