Herbalife, which strives to be the world’s premier health and wellness company and community, announced today that more than 3,000 of its independent distributor leaders from around the world will gather in Los Angeles, for the first time in three years, for several days of education and training. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Michael O. Johnson, will kick-off the event with a keynote address on Tuesday, March 14, and attendees will attend panels and education sessions with the company’s global leaders and senior executives, offering them the opportunity to learn about new business strategies, and how to grow their organizations.

“These are exciting times for us; we’re coming back bold, innovative, reenergized, and ready to continue building the path to be the world’s premier health and wellness company and community,” said Johnson.

To continue increasing its in-person engagements with its global distributor base, the event program will not only recognize its top performers for their achievements and share best practices, but it will also introduce the company’s new strategy to enhance its two main platforms: its content and business opportunity. With obesity levels hitting record highs around the globe and the demand for health and wellness support growing, Herbalife distributors will unite around its mission to help people live their best lives.

Back at the helm after a two-and-a-half year separation, Johnson is optimistic about what’s to come for Herbalife and has been sharing his plans for growth and innovation, alluding to changes in digital transformation, product development and where the company is going with new verticals, adding, “I came back to this company because I’m passionate about who we are, what we do, and the opportunity we provide— I truly believe our future is bright beyond compare.”

About Herbalife Nutrition Ltd.

Herbalife Nutrition (NYSE: HLF) is a global company that has been changing people’s lives with great nutrition products and a business opportunity for its independent distributors since 1980. The Company offers science-backed products to consumers in 95 markets through entrepreneurial distributors who provide one-on-one coaching and a supportive community that inspires their customers to embrace a healthier, more active lifestyle. Through the Company’s commitment to nourish people, communities and planet, Herbalife Nutrition pledges to achieve 50 million positive impacts – tangible acts of good – by 2030, its 50th anniversary.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


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