The journey to success has no shortcuts! Younger generations many times to become successful take shortcuts and lead them to trouble. No matter whichever industry it is but the main thing is you need hard work and determination to reach your goals in life!

Being a fitness athlete and influencer, Harshit Sharma follows a dynamic fitness routine and works hard to achieve his fitness goals.

In a healthy conversation with Paayel from Sportz Business Magazine, Harshit Sharma, a fitness athlete, and influencer reveal about how fitness is important for everyone. He talks about how consuming steriods can damage your body.


Q: What is the daily fitness routine you follow?

My daily routine is quite basic and the same every day. I wake up at around 6 AM for my morning cardio. I come back, have my breakfast, and handle my off-fitness chores. I take my pre-workout meal and drive to my gym by 12 PM. I handle my meetings and online clients after that. Meanwhile, I have my post-workout meals and I call it a day after that. All throughout the routine, I meticulously measure and track my per day calorie intake and focus on the nutritional value over taste in whatever I am eating. According to whatever routine you follow, there are some things one should always remember which are, to keep your mind in a really healthy state, don’t be serious all the time, and most importantly get the right kind of sleep. In a day, keep a slot free for your leisure and for doing things that make you happy.

Q: How COVID-19 affected you and what you learned in the lockdown period?

harshit sharma fitness

Obviously it is a difficult situation for many of us and it has brought along many challenges that weren’t ready for. Saying mental health has been the biggest challenge for me during this pandemic. For many others, it was hard to train effectively. But this was still a manageable part for me. Clearly stress load on athletes was amplified at this time. This is a period of uncertainty and it fundamentally changes an athlete’s mindset by disturbing weekly, monthly, and even annual goals. But as how an athlete will adapt now will impact how they will perform in the future. So we just have to stay strong and resilient.

This lockdown period has given me enough time to re-adjust and strategize my goals and most importantly, a time to recover from my injuries.

Q: What is your favorite exercise and equipment?


I don’t have any favorite exercise or equipment as such but yes I mostly prefer to train on machines instead of using the barbell as barbells & compound lifting are a bit risky and more likely to cause an injury. Also one of the reasons that I don’t have any ‘favorite’ exercise as such, is because I focus on training every muscle separately (primary and secondary) so that I can have a good symmetrical physique. There is no point in having big arms and a flat chest/core. So according to me training each muscle equally is needed as it will help you to achieve a good and a beautiful physique eventually.

Q: How you think consuming steroids is not a good time solution?

Honestly speaking steroids is not something one can play around without any knowledge or guidance. It can be very harmful to your body especially if you want to achieve a good physique in a very short span of time. One should only take steroids if you have a long term goal and if you want to achieve something good out of it, for example: – competing in a professional event. There is no shortcut or if you just want to have a good beach body then especially steroids are not something you should go for. But yes if taken in proper guidance and with all the precautions it can be helpful for an athlete to fulfill their goals and even then too you have to be really disciplined when it comes to diets and workouts. According to me, one should not take steroids especially the younger generation or those who want quick results. Believe me, there is no substitute for hard work!

Q: Which exercise you do to release your stress?


Whatever the reason for stress maybe, our human body isn’t designed to sit all day. You have to get up and move around. The key is to engage in physical activities that encourage mind and body coordination. Doing some exercise yet mind being somewhere else, that just wouldn’t help. Primarily walking, dancing and YOGA can help you out. For me, I prefer circuit training, a short HIIT workout. Stress isn’t just a mental or emotional issue. It can at times hurt physically too. It isn’t gender-specific not it is gender-neutral. So the only way is to sweat it out.

Q: Any health tip you want to give our Audience.

Harshit fitA general tip for all which is to practice basic hygiene and maintain healthy habits. Focus on nutrition, maintain a healthy sleep habit, and engage in a moderate physical activity which will enhance your immune system and will support both your physical and mental health.

Q: What are your achievements and where you see yourself in the next 5 years?

I have been into fitness and working out for 9 years now. It has been a long road of struggle, setbacks, learning, and personal growth. I have always competed as a men’s physique athlete. I was a 2nd runner-up in SHERU CLASSIC 2020, won the 2nd place in BOSS CLASSIC 2019, 2nd in JERAI CLASSIC 2017, and was ranked in the best 10 in AMATEUR OLYMPIA 2019. The journey so far has been interesting and I will try my level best to add more personal achievements in the coming times.

Five years down the line I see my competing and engaging more to represent my country internationally.

Also, in the past I’ve seen many people struggling to get a right and effective fitness routine, struggling to get the right guidance. I myself have wasted quite a few years to get on the right effective routine that suits my body goals. So the next natural step would be to build on that experience by open a fitness center where proper and detailed routine will be provided by coaches, dietitians, and doctors. It’s important to have the right knowledge about your body and how it functions so the goal is to provide a space where along with the physical aspect of working out, there will be a theoretical growth in what to do and how to do it.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


Paayel is a correspondent at Sportz Business Magazine and pursuing Journalism from Lady Shri Ram college. She is an aspiring and passionate journalist, who is on her way to gain more knowledge and wisdom.

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