When we talk of belly fat, most of us may be reminded of the excess fat that surrounds the organs present in our stomach.

There are two different types of fat in our body, with the first one being the visceral fat and the other being subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat is that fat present in our body which is stored in the abdominal cavity of individuals. On the other hand, subcutaneous fat is the fatty tissue that is present under your skin.

Belly fat is not just limited to the layer that is situated beneath the skin, but also contains some visceral fat that lie deep inside your abdomen adjoining your internal organs. Belly fat is also situated below your muscles in your stomach. There are greater chances of your health getting affected adversely, if too much of belly fat is present in your body. You are more likely expected to face the risk of suffering from chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, colorectal cancer or any other cardiovascular disease.

Belly fat present in your body could be attributed to many reasons and not just limited to the food that you consume and few exercises that you may perform. The reasons may be many and could also include situations, wherein, you have been skipping lunch or dinner at a proper time or you may be affected by fluid retention problems and a few others. Moreover, if you have been working on your desks in front of the computer for nearly 9-10 hours in a day, you are having greater chances of developing a belly fat around your stomach. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for those of you who are most likely expected to develop belly fat to take certain precautions to protect your health and well-being. You must maintain a proper and balanced diet, including having a proper workout routine or exercise regimen every day to keep your weight under check. There are a few exercises that are being suggested that would help you to lose your belly fat.

Some of the factors that you can bear in mind in order to get rid of your belly fat are as follows:

  • Having a proper and healthy diet: It is very important for you to follow a strict and healthy diet every single day in order to effectively rid your belly fat that may be accumulated by you over a period of time.

    You must consume food that is high in fiber and consume lesser carbohydrates. You can try to consume foods such as meat, eggs, colored vegetables, fish, poultry that would help in restricting the build-up of visceral fat.

  • Perform exercises regularly: You can work towards getting rid of your belly fat by performing exercises on a daily basis. You can try to do aerobic exercises such as jogging or may go for bicycling that can help you lose your weight.
  • Proper and regular sleep schedule: By sticking to a proper sleep schedule at night with at least 7-8 hours of sleep every day, the visceral fat present in the body would remain low. In this way, you could help prevent the development of belly fat around your waist in your body.
  • Take the stairs: This is a good option for you in case you have not been able to set aside few hours of your time to do workouts for the day. In case your work place or house is situated in any top floor of your building, such exercise can help in burning calories, in addition to helping to keep your heart and lungs stronger.

Some of the exercises have also been shortlisted by us which could help you to reduce your belly fat.

  1. Plank:

Image Source: www.hollandandbarrett.com

Planks can be performed in various positions. You can start first by getting down onto a push up position. Subsequently, ensure that you are able to rest your forearms on the floor and apply all your weight on your forearms by leaving your palm. Get into the right posture starting from your shoulder and going up to the ankle and this should be kept all through in a straight line.

  1. Walking:  

Image Source: www.clintonherald.com

When you keep walking regularly at a higher intensity, it plays a role in helping you to reduce your belly fat. Keep breathing deeply as you walk and take care to ensure that you don’t get distracted in any way either with the phone or through any other form of communication.

  1. Cycling:

Image Source: www.bikesforkid.com

Cycling is one of the exercises that can help you to lose weight and is considered as one of the best forms of cardiovascular exercises. More and more encouragement to take up cycling as a hobby in many parts of the world has been observed after many decades. This is owing to the fact that it plays an effective role in burning the fat present in your body.

  1. Crunches:

Image Source: www.safeandhealthylife.com

Crunches are considered to be one of the well-known exercises that can help you to burn your belly fat. By performing these crunches daily and in a correct manner, you are expected to get a flat belly within a few weeks. In crunches, you would have to lie down and keep your thighs in a perpendicular position to your body and  subsequently get up. Also, keep counting the number of repetitions that you have performed.

While performing crunches, you will have to note the following:

  • You have to tuck your tummy in before starting to perform crunches.
  • The muscles in your feet must be kept in a relaxed position at the time of doing crunches.
  • Keep making sure that you continue to breathe in at the time of lying on your back and subsequently breathe out as your body is pulled upwards.
  1. Reverse crunches:

Reverse Crunches
Image Source: www.linternaute.com

After you have mastered doing the regular crunch, you can start performing some difficult variations of these crunches by trying to do some reverse crunches. While doing reverse crunches, there is a requirement for you to maintain a lot of strength and stamina in order to train your core. This leads to the abs being put through tension for a longer time period in order to obtain best results.

You can do reverse crunches by following these steps:

  • You must lie down on the ground and bend your feet at the knee that is kept raised at a straight angle.
  • Your lower stomach must be contracted. Further, your thighs must be curled up to your chest. Now, you can try to lift your hips for getting the additional squeeze on the torso.
  • Hold on to the position for a minute and come back to the position where you started.

Most importantly, you must note that you are likely to face many health-related risks or problems if you do not take adequate steps to reduce your belly fat. You have to be careful to ensure that you do not bear excess fat in and around your abdomen. This fat cannot be easily shed by individuals by doing simply some abs exercises such as push-ups or sit-ups. Reducing your belly fat is possible only by following a proper diet plan and schedule along with exercises that can include even walking to shed your excess weight.

Some of you may also be prone to getting affected by cancer, if you are continuing to have a belly fat. Most women may be at a higher risk of suffering from colorectal cancer or even breast cancer, in case they do not take sufficient steps to reduce the belly fat present in the body.

Therefore, start making exercises and healthy diet a part of your lifestyle and stay healthy always.

Image Source: www.health.com


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


A Journalist with a passion for writing articles covering specific areas related to fitness, technology, healthcare and nutrition.

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