Suraksha Naturals’ Line of Keto Supplements Aims to Help Consumers Beat the Stress in a Year Defined by the Jitters.

Feeling stressed out doesn’t even begin to define the year 2020. Everything from a pandemic and quarantines to a shaken global economy, a turbulent election, climate concerns, and social injustice have done their part to keep people around the world up at night. Stress and anxiety have thriven in isolation, as well, as individuals have spent weeks and even months cooped up in their homes.

While there is no end to the number of articles and resources addressing how to cope with stress in natural ways, sometimes reducing that anxiety requires a little third-party help. That’s where Keto-Veyda comes in. An in-house brand of the Indian health and wellness company Suraksha Naturals, Keto-Veyda possesses a unique line of products that deliver traditional Ayurvedic remedies in an innovative 21st-century fashion. In other words, their products are both convenient and rooted in ancient principles. They’re also a natural option that can be the perfect middle ground between home remedies and full-blown medicinal solutions.

Standing tall amongst Keto-Veyda’s offerings is its Daily Anti Stress spray. The vitamin supplement is designed to aid in coping with everything from short-term jet lag to sleep issues arising from inconsistent or irregular work hours. It provides a calming effect that can help to provide mood support and can restore a sense of stability and consistency to an individual’s sleep patterns. Best of all, the product is designed in an easy spray-on format that doesn’t require tracking down a glass of water or choking on a pill.

Keto-Veyda’s Daily Anti Stress spray is just one of a long line of health and wellness supplements. These aren’t simply aimed at resolving existing symptoms. They embrace the deeper calling of the Ayurvedic principles upon which they’ve been designed by attempting to boost the overall health of body, mind, and soul. The brand has been on the rise in recent years and is rapidly expanding its global customer base, particularly through recent inroads into the U.S. and e-commerce markets. This is great news for pandemic-weary people everywhere who are desperately seeking a chance to slow down, take a deep breath, and sleep through the night for the first time in months.

About Suraksha Naturals: Suraksha Naturals is an industry-leading manufacturer that prides itself on prioritizing research innovation and nutrition science. It has been in operation since 2003 and is one of twelve different verticals that make up the Suraksha Group Company.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


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