Sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, and fewer outdoor activities often take a toll on one’s health. Contrary, the need to exercise or burn out those extra calories often becomes an onerous task for many. Many adults narrate reasons like lack of motivation, finding it boring to go to the gym, don’t have time, and a host of other flimsy causes, thereby contributing to a rise in the obesity graph of America. Not just adults, but also a considerable number of children are affected due to obesity, further amounting to a host of chronic diseases. Another serious concern rising among youngsters due to lack of physical activity is mental health issues.

However, to overcome this grim scenario, a revolutionary application called Step made its mark by rewarding people for engaging in physical activities. “Step” is a mobile application that enables one to earn cryptocurrency while keeping themselves fit.

Step is a fitness application that allows its users to earn cryptocurrency while staying fit. The creators of Step, who dream of creating a healthier world for all, are of the notion that to build one, they have to tempt people toward something fascinating. Especially at a time when the crypto sphere is downright reaching new scales every day, the idea to reward people with cryptocurrencies every time they take their steps seems captivating.

The reward theory of attraction appears to be gratifying in this context. When an employee is rewarded with bonuses, incentives, and other perks, it triggers certain parts of the brain and uplifts them. The neurological response to receiving a bounty motivates one to perform their task with enthusiasm. This is what exactly is projected in Step- elevating one’s motivation to exercise.track

The mobile app monitors one’s physical activity, such as walking, and converts them to rewards. Step is primarily designed to make individuals financially independent and keep them fit and healthy, in one fell swoop.

One needs to download the application on their mobile phone from the play or app store. The app will then monitor one’s physical activities such as running, walking, or climbing stairs and send rewards in the form of cryptos to the wallet.

To achieve something, one needs to come out of their couches. Needless to say, there is also a condition attached to avail the rewards. To be eligible, one needs to take a minimum of 4000 steps daily. The rewards are then calculated based on the steps percentage quota among the eligible holders.

About us: Step is a vital innovation in today’s time. Keeping oneself fit and healthy and at the same time financially sturdy is something one would always yearn for. With Step, it is easy to hit both the bird’s eyes in one shot. Get fit, earn cryptos, and be the best version of yourself with Step!


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


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