Gaming and sports media company Nazara Technologies on Tuesday said it has invested Rs 7.5 crore in Sports Unity that owns Qunami, a short format, multiplayer quiz game in India.

Sports Unity”s Qunami has over 40,000 monthly active quizzers playing up to 30 minutes per day and has crossed over one crore transactions.

“With this investment, Nazara acquires majority stake in Sports Unity and is consolidating its presence in the fast growing quizzing /trivia category,” the statement said.

Nazara has invested in mobile gaming companies such as Mastermind Sports and MoongLabs Technologies. It has taken a majority stake in NextWave Multimedia, NODWIN Gaming, Halaplay Technologies in addition to Sportskeeda and NZ World Kenya Ltd to set up operations for real money gaming in Kenya.

C Sukumaran appointed as Director Image Communication Products at Canon India. Canon India on Tuesday said its senior executive, C Sukumaran will head its Image Communication Products division, along with spearheading Consumer System Products (CSP) division. He will now be serving as the Director, Consumer System Products Division and Image Communication Products (ICP) Division, a statement said. Sukumaran has been associated with Canon for over 19 years now. Microsoft unveils ”Highway to a Hundred Unicorns” to support startups in tier II cities.

Tech giant Microsoft on Tuesday announced the launch of ”Highway to a Hundred Unicorns” initiative under which it will engage with entrepreneurs across tier II cities.

Microsoft will work closely with state governments to strengthen the startup ecosystems in each state, a statement said. This is aimed at helping startups overcome challenges like scaling businesses, lack of cutting-edge technology support and dearth of mentorship from ecosystem players.

“There is a strong pool of ideas and talent beyond the well-known startup hubs of India. Through Highway to a Hundred Unicorns, we will reach out to startups in tier II cities and support them to achieve scale at their place of origin,” Lathika Pai, Country Head at Microsoft for Startups (MENA and SAARC) said.


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Aspiring journalist working for and exploring the juncture of sports, business and technology. Interested in sports economy and logistics of sports policy-making.

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