Getting to know Harminder Dulowal had been inspiring and his has been a journey that is certainly expected to motivate and encourage many individuals to pursue fitness and bodybuilding as a career. This bodybuilder who originally hailed from a village called Dulowal in Kapurthala, Punjab was attracted to fitness from an early age after he was faced with numerous problems, which included his feeling of a sense of insecurity and weakness within him, as he had only a lean physique and had been suffering from several digestive ailments during that period. However, this had not stopped him from pursuing his dream and passion which was to become a bodybuilder and fitness trainer. He had participated in several competitions and managed to emerge as the winner of Mr. Asia Gold Medalist in the Mortal Battle 2018 competition, including winning the NABBA WFF Muscle War 2017 competition that was held at Singapore, Mr. World South Africa in 2015 and few more titles to his credit. He is also the founder of Red Power which is an energy drink, apart from being the owner of Red Gym in his hometown in Punjab. In an exclusive conversation, Harminder Dulowal chats with Claus from Sportz Business Insights and went on to share a few of his experiences as a fitness trainer, bodybuilder and the recent role taken up by him as the President of FIF and as an International Physical Fitness Judge.

  1. Please give us a brief background of yourself and what got you attracted to fitness and bodybuilding?

Harminder Dulowal fitnessI am a native of Dulowal village in Kapurthala, Punjab. I had participated in many events and international competitions, one of them being Mr. World. I had continuously participated in many competitions such as Mr. World and a few more competitions for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018. Subsequently, I managed to win the Mr. Asia Gold Medal in 2018. Besides this, I am also a gym owner and have been guiding various athletes to participate in International competitions. Further, I have obtained the license to be a judge for both national and international competitions and am currently the President of Fitness International Federation (FIF). I also own and operate a brand of my own and am also the owner of Red Power Fitness Institute. I got attracted to fitness and bodybuilding because of my inner motivation. I was very lean and had been suffering from digestive ailments. There was always a feeling of weakness and fear inside me. I was not able to take my meals properly. I would say that I had always drawn inspiration from individuals who maintained a good physique. After hearing about them and seeing that they are always fit and also have been guiding others to remain fit, I decided to become a fitness freak and my enthusiasm drove me close to bodybuilding, a journey which I consider to be unstoppable.

  1. Being the owner of Red Gym, you are offering fitness programs for the members. Can you share with us some details on the work done by Red Power Fitness Institute such as the certification classes that are being offered to help people stay healthy and fit? Please also let us know of the benefits that a member could enjoy from enrolling for such classes?

Harminder DulowalRed Power Fitness Institute inspires and helps people attain their fitness goals. Sometimes, people may be good in doing exercises but are not able to take nutritious diet and supplements. Lack of knowledge can adversely affect their health. So we are providing exercise cum nutrition courses to understand the value of nutrition and good health in life. Moreover, people can make themselves qualified and eligible to start a gym by taking up fitness as a career option by joining such certification courses that are being offered which can open a door for them to generate a revenue stream for themselves. People can choose a career option in diet planning and also motivate others to pursue a career in this field. They could also start offering online diet planning and exercise schedules.

  1. Could you let us know briefly about the energy drink, Red Power Energy? Can you name any one or two products that you recommend to your clients as well as to others and also the benefits that can be obtained from consuming such drinks? Also, please tell us when should such energy drinks be consumed? Do you suggest these energy drinks only for those who are training for weights?

HarminderRed Power energy drink is an intra-workout energy drink which balances the fatigue during workout schedules and maintains a constant stamina during heavy workouts. Some of the products such as Keto Fire, Hydrolysed Whey Protein, Ready Creatine Granules and MULTIVIT-IMUN are being offered by us. Thfese drinks are important for improving a person’s stamina, strength, endurance and also a person’s immunity level. Such drinks are to be consumed only after the gym workout has been completed. MULTIVIT-IMUN can be consumed by individuals who have impaired immune systems. These drinks are suggested by us only after understanding each person’s body and based on the work schedule of each of such persons and particularly for those who need them the most.

  1. As a gym owner, what are the events that you have been conducting at your gym and what are your plans for 2021?

I have been active on social media platforms with at least thousands of followers who follow me regularly, especially the youth from across the globe. I had trained over 200 athletes and bodybuilders, both male and female at the international level. I am always ready to help those who want to build their career in bodybuilding. For 2021, I am planning a few competitions for bodybuilding, apart from launching new courses and supplements for the various aspiring fitness athletes out there.Dulowal

  1. Being a dietician yourself, you have been promoting a vegetarian diet for the members of your gym and to the people known to you. Would you be interested to share with us the ideal diet that you would always recommend to people and also suggest any simple basic exercises that an individual can do to keep fit, even if he is not able to train with weights?

I am a vegetarian bodybuilder and I believe in promoting a vegetarian diet to the members of my gym. An ideal diet would include dry fruits, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, milk products, cereals, pulses, sprouts and fruits which are rich in vitamin C and fiber. Basic exercises such as skipping, running or walking, squats, crunches, push-ups, leg raises, planks, lunges, kettlebell deadlift, Single-leg Glute Bridge, split squats, Russian twist, bicycle crunches, side lunges and bodyweight step up can be done by individuals at their homes to keep themselves fit.

  1. You are currently the president of Fitness International Federation (FIF). Would you be interested to tell us what plans you are having for helping aspiring fitness athletes? Are there any events planned to be conducted in early 2021?

As of today, we are planning to introduce new courses and supplements for individuals. We may start organizing online fitness classes and courses for aspiring fitness athletes. As far as events are concerned, the plans are still under process and have not yet been materialized yet.

  1. You are a WFF Certified Judge today. Can you explain about the function of a WFF Certified Judge briefly to us? Also, can you let us know what steps must an individual take to qualify for the same in order to become a Judge?

The functions performed by a certified Judge are to organize and judge for the various competitions. An individual must have a good experience in bodybuilding and judging of various competitions. Subsequently, such a person can apply for a certification to become a judge.

  1. Can you tell us something about the titles won by you till date? Which title would you consider to be memorable and close to your heart as of today? Why is it special to you?

In 2006, I won a silver in the inter-university bodybuilding championship that eventually helped me in getting a seat at Punjabi University, Patiala, for the physical education course. Even the fee was waived off. And by the time I completed my Masters and MPhil degree, I started training people and even provided personal training for a few clients at their homes. I was second best at the All India Inter-University Championship in 2012. Somehow, I came to know about the World Fitness Federation and started preparing for it. Consequently, in 2015, I was able to win the Mr. World South Africa title. After a few unsatisfying performances, I won the Muscle War Singapore 2017 and Mr. Asia 2018 titles, by clinching a gold in extensive bodybuilding. Out of all these titles, Mr. Asia Title is considered to be very close to my heart even today. I really worked hard for it and it had been my biggest dream.

  1. Do you offer any other classes other than weight training at your gym? If yes, can you please let us know on the same?

We offer certification courses at various levels. Various students are benefited from our programs. We offer both National and International level certifications, so that students can apply abroad as well for more career opportunities. Besides all these, we provide diet plans and exercise schedules to the gym lovers as well as to other individuals to help them maintain a proper body weight.

  1. Do you recommend any food or nutrition supplements to the members of your gym? If yes, can you name any and let us know its benefits?

I have already mentioned the names of some of our supplements that we recommend to the members of my gym and these are provided according to an individual’s body needs. We prefer natural ways of bodybuilding mostly and if needed, we recommend the supplements depending upon the requirement of each body. Supplements such as whey protein are essential for individuals to recover from their muscle fatigue and also for repairing of the body tissues. Multivitamins are required by athletes, as most of the vitamins could get destroyed due to cooking. Hence, it is necessary to provide such supplements for such athletes.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


A Journalist with a passion for writing articles covering specific areas related to fitness, technology, healthcare and nutrition.

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