GymRevenue, the new all-in-one health club management software made waves in sunny Miami Beach, Florida at the global IHRSA 2022 conference with their true, one-stop, 360-degree gym operations management solution. This unique, single-source Software as a Service (SaaS) includes: Billing & Payment Processing, CRM, Marketing Cloud, BI & Reporting, and more.

The Future of Fitness Management is HERE!!

The proprietary tech that drives GymRevenue is the brainchild of Alec Salzman, former Executive Director at YouFit Gyms (formally YouFit Health Clubs) and founder of several SaaS brands. Through GymRevenue, Mr. Salzman sets out to solve the single biggest issue hindering the fitness industry today — empowering brands and operators to make data-driven decisions in real-time without the obstacles of multiple logins and inaccurate data points.

“With over a decade of experience of owning and operating over 120 health clubs I found it was easier to sweep our true issues under the rug versus coming up with actual solutions to our day-to-day operating obstacles. GymRevenue is solving a migraine within our industry to eliminate the friction between software providers and end users.” Mr. Salzman believes, “Technology today should make us more proficient and should not hinder us on a day-to-day basis and my team and I strive to eliminate those pain points we are faced with.

Gone are the days of clunky integrations, data-lag and duplicate, segmented, or siloed information. When your billing platform automates enterprise-level BI tools alongside actionable, in-club CRM & CMS capabilities – controlling the customer experience and eliminating friction is simple.”

— Alec Salzman, Founder & CEO, GymRevenue

While consolidating and streamlining the entire operation process within one simple login, GymRevenue sets out to also create the all-in-one solution for far less — promising to deliver more value while saving money compared to today’s industry leaders.

For the last decade, [operations] teams have heard promises from industry giants about coming soon ‘all-in-one’ club management platforms. GymRevenue finally makes good on that promise with a powerful, yet easy-to-use software and a team of product experts who make implementation a breeze and tech support a thing of the past.

After 24 months of extensive user research, UX & UI testing, and extensive field testing in various clubs, markets, and business models, the robust GymRevenue software & its capable implementation support team are ready to turn the fitness industry on its head.

“The software had been built for about a year prior to user-testing. The most important aspect for us was that operators would be able to use it in real-time, and that implementation was the least of their worries. Almost 100 industry executives, club owners, operators and staff tested and gave us really amazing feedback. So when we say GymRevenue is designed and built by fitness owners and operators for fitness owners and operators, we really mean it.” Alec Salzman.

GymRevenue consolidates and streamlines the entire club management operation. This single-source platform seamlessly integrates all of the daily tasks and data that gym owners and operators need to accurately assess operations & performance. With just one login, GymRevenue gives you the ability to switch between Data Visualization, Billing & Payment Processing, Personal Training, CRM, CMS, Marketing Cloud, BI & Reporting, Employee Tracking among other components to gain critical insight into your organization. Visit our website to schedule a time to speak directly with GymRevenue’s implementation team at


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


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