2019 Fujitsu today announced that the Gymnastics Judging Support System it jointly developed with the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG), was awarded the highest prize, “Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award”, following rigorous review by the CEATEC AWARD judging committee at the CEATEC AWARD 2019 ceremony held in Chiba, Japan during Japan’s largest technology exhibition.

This award recognizes the use of information and telecommunications technologies that contribute significant value and efficiency to society and the economy.

About CEATEC’s “Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award”

CEATEC’s “Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award” is granted to projects, technologies, products, services, or components that the committee determines as contributing the most to the advancement of the CPS/IoT society and to the realization of Society 5.0. This includes contributions to areas including the advanced utilization of information and communications, networks, data, AI, and/or IoT technologies, as well as the provision of services based on these technologies, and the use of IoT in local communities.

Award Criteria

The Gymnastics Judging Support System was given the award for its ability to support of judges, as well as its innovative use in athlete training and content for spectators watching competitions. The technology not only promises to pave the way for the practical use of AI in the field of athletics, but also offers the potential for expanded applications in areas including health promotion and healthcare and rehabilitation. In this and many other ways, this technology could contribute to the achievement of the SDGs’ Goal #3: “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.”

About The Judging Support System

The Judging Support System developed by Fujitsu and Fujitsu Laboratories uses 3D sensors and AI in gymnastics to sense the movements of athletes and analyze them as numerical data. The techniques that appear in the gymnast’s performance are expressed in 3D on the system screen and can be viewed from various angles to support fair and accurate scoring.


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Aspiring journalist working for sportzbusiness.com and exploring the juncture of sports, business and technology. Interested in sports economy and logistics of sports policy-making.

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