A powerhouse of nutrients and excellent for heart health, almonds can also serve as an ideal weight loss food for those desiring to shed kilos and adopt a salubrious lifestyle. Almonds being rich in fiber and protein could aid in shedding kilos apart from boosting heart health, informs Ritika Samaddar, the Regional Head-Dietetics, Max Healthcare – Delhi.

As per a study published in International Journal of Obesity, the almond diet contained 39% total fat including 25% from heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, while the non-almond diet contained 18% total fat, 5% from monounsaturated fats.

Samaddar stated that as far as weight loss is concerned, Nuts assist in two ways.

“Any weight loss food should give you a lot of satiety that almonds can provide you. Also the food should be high on protein because they not only initiate weight loss but also increase metabolism. Almonds being a good source of protein and fibre work on both counts,” asserts the nutritionist.

Moreover, almonds also cut down bad cholesterol in our body which is an enormous health benefit.

In a study, researchers elucidated that having a handful of almonds reduces low-density lipids (LDL) or bad cholesterol by 4.4%.

According to Smaddar, 28-30 gm or 22-23 almonds must be consumed daily to reap their benefits.

Perfect time for eating almonds

While you may be tempted to have some cookies or namkeen when you feel hungry in between the meals, replacing non-nutritious snacks with almonds is a great idea. One can have a handful of them as a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack to keep hunger temptations at bay and at the same time packing a nutritional punch.

Ways to add almonds to your diet

Dietician Samaddar also prescribes methods to incorporate almonds in the diet-

1. Eating them raw: The most simple and fruitful way to have almonds is to have them raw or roasted. As mentioned above, about 22-23 almonds would offer you satiety and serve as the perfect snacking choice. You can also soak them prior to eating as it can aid you absorb more nutrients. Nevertheless, Samaddar prescribes not to peel them as by doing that a huge amount of fiber content is lost.Almonds

2. Adding them to your porridge in powdered form: Another way to make sure that you have your daily dose of almonds is to powder them and keep it. You can add it to your porridge or any other dessert you relish. Being creative, you can think of ways to add the healthy nuts to your meals.

Almond porridge
Almond porridge

3. Adding them to your smoothie or shake: For fitness conscious people or young adolescent who exercise or go to the gym, consumption of almond smoothie can give a nutritional punch. You can add one or two tablespoon of almonds to your favourite fruit smoothie for getting those extra proteins, micronutrients and a lot of fiber.

Almond smoothie

4. Consuming it as Almond milk: For lactose intolerants, having almond milk is a good option. It is super easy to make too. Soak almonds, blend them and enjoy the milk.

Almond Milk

“To keep one’s heart healthy, it’s crucial to keep the weight under check. Abdominal fat is often linked to increased blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, and elevated levels of triglycerides, all known risk factors for CVD. By being more conscious about your family and your weight, you move one step closer to a healthier lifestyle,” Samaddar said at the end.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.

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