North Boulder Chiropractic and Restoration Neurology Onboard EYE-SYNC technology to improve patient care with objective data

SyncThink announces partnerships with two new clinical establishments across the country. North Boulder Chiropractic and Restoration Neurology will opt EYE-SYNC technology to support advanced clinical care of patients in their local areas.

North Boulder Chiropractic is the first chiropractic center to adopt EYE-SYNC, and functions as an advanced healthcare facility specializing in neurological conditions, athletic injuries, women’s health issues, and family healthcare. Led by Dr. David Boynton, the staff utilizes advanced technologies to support both diagnostic and therapeutic decision making when evaluating patients.

“What impressed me about EYE-SYNC is the speed at which you can get an objective, accurate assessment for neurological function. It is simple to use and demonstrate with immediate feedback.  Within 3 minutes I have a level of certainty, as does the patient/athlete, for initial assessment and tracking progress. The information received from the EYE-SYNC specifically directs treatment for superior outcomes. The tool comes out of Stanford University and is backed by Stanford research neuroscientists,” said Dr. David Boynton of North Boulder Chiropractic.

Restoration Neurology is a boutique practice based in the Atlanta area that specializes in the care of patients with headaches, memory disorders, and traumatic brain injuries. Using a multidisciplinary approach, Dr. Angela Ashley-Caporale works closely with patients to achieve recovery from neurological injuries and improve quality of life. Dr. Ashley-Caporale leverages her twenty years of expertise in the Emory University Department of Neurology as Director of the Memory Disorders Clinic at Grady Memorial Hospital to provide thorough evaluation and treatment of the cognitive component of traumatic brain injuries. Effective September 1, 2019, her practice is excited to announce the addition of the EYE-SYNC technology which provides state-of-the-art evaluation and treatment of the visual and vestibular systems as well.

“Our goal is to provide academic quality of care in a more personalized and intimate private practice setting. Our decision to add this new technology for the diagnosis and treatment of the vestibular and visual systems came after thoroughly exploring all available options in the market. Eye-Sync was clearly the superior product and has been a valuable addition to the care of our patients,” said Dr. Angela Ashley-Caporale of Restoration Neurology.

EYE-SYNC uses high speed, high-fidelity infrared cameras to capture the subtlest eye movements, many of which cannot be observed through a standard clinical evaluation. Depending on the type of eye movement, a clinician can utilize this objective analysis to decipher between systems involved that may be performing poorly or are impaired. The technology is a leader in the objective measurement of clinical subtypes commonly identified in conditions like concussion and was recently designated by the FDA as a Breakthrough Device for aid to concussion assessment, recognizing the potential to solve an important unmet need.

The additions of North Boulder Chiropractic and Restoration Neurology join an expanding roster of clinical partners that include top institutions like Massachusetts General Hospital, Wentworth-Douglass, Houston Methodist, Children’s National Hospital and Stanford Children’s.

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