Asian Betting company BR88 becomes the first ever sleeve sponsor of Aston Villa. The logo of the company will be featured on the jersey sleeves and adult replica shirts.

The financial details of the deal are yet to be public. Niccola Ibbetson, the chief commercial officer of Aston Villa said, “We are looking forward to working with BR88 to engage our global audience with a unique and exciting user experience across their platforms. This is an excellent commercial agreement for the club.”

Morgan Lee, the business development director of the Asian gaming company said, “This exciting new partnership between Aston Villa and BR88 give both parties an amazing opportunity to reach a new global audience, while BR88 will jointly engage with the club’s existing worldwide fanbase.”

Villa, who secured a return to the Premier League by beating Derby County in the Championship play-off final last month, are set to reveal their kit in July.


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Aspiring journalist working for and exploring the juncture of sports, business and technology. Interested in sports economy and logistics of sports policy-making.

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