Sachin Tendulkar who is known for his masterstroke on the ground while playing football has once again shown his masterstroke but not on the field but in real life, giving back something to the sports.

Sachin Tendulkar recently coming together with the DBS bank has taken initiative of “sparkling the future of Kids” by providing lights to their playing grounds.

Mumbra, a small town on the outskirts of Mumbai became the maiden areas for the Tendulkar’s Mission.

Working together with the DBS Bank, Sachin has arranged vapor lights and stadium lights to a football field enabling kids to practice football even after dark .

The Muslim Dominated Suburb area of MUMBAI, Mumbra had scored a first by giving the girls their own football field some seven years ago. This Subsequently, has made the sports a way of living for  the talented bunch of youngsters.

Now, when the DBS bank and Sachin Tendulkar have made assured for girl to practice football at evening, they hope for the best result t outcome.

A video highlighting the transformation of the youth’s mindset through football in Mumbra and outlines how the sport is motivating children to not go to bad practices and channelizing their  own energy in the right direction.

Young girls drifting the ball with the football skills like a pro exhibits what kind of passion they do have for the sport of Football.

The video shows a kid saying Mumbra matlab football (Mumbra means football), shows emergence of football in the air of Mumbra where the kick to play football urges kids go to school. The game of football has become infectious as it is becoming a part of life of every young’s kids. It’s becoming a habit for the young kids. It is the way of life. It is the passage to good future.

Tendulkar’s association will not only deliver Mumbra a major hope but also it potentially shows  the emergence of more Mumbras.


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