Even as the number of Covid cases continues to increase with each passing day, Goodways Fitness, one of the fitness studios operating exclusively for women has decided to stay shut in the capital. Moreover, with the online fitness classes program devised by it, expected to help customers remain fit has become popular among women and the model is expected to continue in the near future.

Goodways’ Fitness online classes have come as a big boost for women, since it offers a major source of support for the women who have had to shift between managing their routine household work and at the same time handling zoom calls that drains their energy considerably.

Goodways has devised its training programs that are conducted online by experimenting in various ways. These are intensive programs that are diverse and are helping aid the women folks in muscle-building and cardiovascular activities.

Goodways Fitness has in its kitty, online classes that are properly structured and timely scheduled. This has helped them to plunge across a variety of less-travelled areas. Considerable attention and guidance are being offered to all customers at a personal level, apart from tracking their progress through the app.

Goodway Fitness’s Chief Fitness Consultant and Co-Founder Sankalp Kashyap stated that all gyms and fitness studios have been busy innovating and that Goodway had moved online rapidly. Home workouts have touched a new high, with the emergence of the Coronavirus pandemic. He further expressed that, although the new online classes have brought in a new model that was never present in home-fitness earlier, the lure to the gym would prove stronger over the long term period.

Training in movement-habits conducted by way of exploration and curiosity is partly a process, by which a person learns to achieve an integrative and wholesome balance in both body and mind. When a focus is laid continuously as to how one can learn to better their choice of movements, it helps to improve vagus nerve health. The vagus nerve must be activated, as it can help elevate immunity levels in a person. The goal of Goodway Fitness has always been to not only ensure that their customers maintain a good shape, but also improve their fitness as a whole. The concept of one size fits all is not relevant for anyone today.

Shakti Kashyap, another Co-Founder and Master Trainer at Goodways Fitness agrees that there is no denial on their part that they have faced some financial distress ever since the lockdown had been imposed. Moreover, they feel that there would be some apprehension about the return of customers to gyms, even if they have started operations in full swing, besides operating costs eating into their pockets on account of new safety arrangements required to be made in place. Shakti further added that their aim was to improve the fitness and health of their customers, while on the other hand being skeptical about whether it would be possible for providing a 100% COVID free environment for all not only by them, but also by everyone.

Sankalp Kashyap stated that gyms can be places where exercises done by individuals tend to become communal and competitive. After the lockdown ends and subsequent to vaccines entering the market, crowds are expected to gather at gyms and other sports and fitness centers, since it is an important part of their exercise regimen. However, he was glad to mention that they have received a splendid response from their customers, as far as the online model was concerned.

Image Source: Freepik.com


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as a health advice. We would ask you to consult a qualified professional or medical expert to gain additional knowledge before you choose to consume any product or perform any exercise.


A Journalist with a passion for writing articles covering specific areas related to fitness, technology, healthcare and nutrition.

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