Andre Agassi former tennis champion, who has bagged eight grand slam titles, has launched his artificial-intelligence based literary products brand Square Panda in India. Being one of the major investors of the California based startup which works for special children braving Dyslexia, Agassi has introduced company’s Indian operation.

In the past six years, Agassi posing as a great philanthropist has donated more than $1 billion (via a fund) to set up 90 charter schools across the US.

“My lack of education was probably the greatest vehicle to my commitment and interest in the education sector,” Agassi has told a leading business daily on the sidelines of the launch of  Square Panda’s India operations in Mumbai. Agassi didn’t attend school beyond eighth standard for pursuing tennis. “No education, forced to play tennis, and no choice,” laments one of the most successful tennis icons ever. “So, I always correlate ‘no education’ with ‘no choice’. This led me to disconnect with my own sport, even though I was the best in the world. Education endows you with choice,” he said in exclusive interview with the paper.

Stopping not just there, he has other investment sites which include stock market through the Turner-Agassi Charter School facilities Fund and other sports centric ventures. He Says, “In sports  I take a much more aggressive position – investing my time as well as money,”.


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